Grazers Products Testimonials


“I am just writing to let you know how successful the ‘Grazers’ has been for us. We sprayed a complete field (25 acres) of oilseed rape which had been eaten virtually down to the stalks, to the extent we thought we may have to resow. Also, 5 acres next to a wood, which is winter wheat. Apart from a small area these crops have made an excellent recovery and are now respectable crops.

This was basically rabbit, pigeon and some deer grazing. I would recommend ‘Grazers’ to anyone under similar conditions. This was spring applied, after damage had already occurred, but we shall try to spray vulnerable sites (rabbits) this autumn – weather permitting, as a protection.”

Jacky Brewis, Northumberland

“We trialled the product last season on some winter wheat and it appeared to work well. The Home Farm will certainly be continuing the trials this year, where heavy rabbit grazing has been a problem in the past.”

Dalton Estate, Yorkshire


“I felt that I must write and let you know how pleased I am that I found your product “Grazers” at Deans Garden Centre, Scarborough. They actually recommended it.

My garden was raided regularly by rabbits eating off all my plants, in fact I used to have to regularly replace them or give up altogether, but since I’ve used your product regularly the damage has almost disappeared, and where there is any damage the plants recover quickly.

I can’t afford not to use “Grazers.” The saving in replacing the plants more than compensates for the cost of your product, let alone in the time saved. I would recommend its use to anyone.”

T Seagust, N. Yorks

“I am a full time Horticulturist working in country houses in this area, where deer can be a problem. Having heard about Grazers in Haslemere I experimented with some and found that it works.

In one Client’s garden deer munched roses, tulips, hardy geraniums, griselinia, phlox and violas. Once sprayed the damage stopped and wire protectors etc are no longer needed. At another property deer had been eating a yew hedge during the winter, causing much damage. Once sprayed the damage stopped – it really does work!

My Clients are pleased with their improved gardens and are happy to pay me to spray Grazers.

On guide growing plants like tulips I spray fortnightly using the normal dilution. I feel the fast emerging buds and foliage get extra protection from this more regular treatment. Later in the season I reduce spraying to every 5/6 weeks, by which time most growth has slowed a bit, and deer seem to know there is nothing tasty.

Congratulations on inventing such an effective product – easy to use, safe and quick.”

P. Tuffen

“I think a real benefit is that whereas beer traps and slug pellets pull slugs in attracting them,  this just seems to protect. With our current longest ever spring and all the rain, it’s really helping.”

Bunny Guiness

“Thank you for the Grazers spray you sent me.  I sprayed the pansies twice before planting. The crows left them alone for six weeks then they were back again so I have sprayed again a few times when there is not going to be a frost. They have left them alone for the time being so we will have to see what happens. I hope it works like it did for the summer plants. I think that people who grow the plants should spray them before they send them out because I also find that if feeds the plants and helps them get growing better.”

Mrs Starr, York